Debate Writing

Debate Writing - Concepts
Class - 6th English Proficiency Subjects
Concept Explanation

Debate Writing

Debate Writing: A debate is a contest between two speakers or two groups of speakers to show skill and ability in arguing. Speakers are required to speak for or against a proposition, a question or a problem. To participate in a debate, one must prepare an outline of the main points in the order in which one is going to argue. Every topic / subject has its own vocabulary. These must be learnt. The speaker addresses the chair (Mr. President / Madam), 'submits' an argument, 'appeals' for sympathetic understanding and support, 'questions' the opponent's views and 'concludes' an argument. He also 'answers' questions in the rebuttal session.

Question : - Present your view point in not more than 200 words for or against the motion "Children should be Educated at Home?"

Answer : - Ladies and Gentlemen,

I  ................ stand before you to support the motion that 'Chidren should be Educated at Home'.

In my opinion there should be no schools and chidren should be educated at home.

The classroom of the school is noisy. There is a lot of disturbance and a number of distractions. At home, the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful without any disturbance or distractions. So, students can learn much more and better at home than at school.

There is a lot of teasing by the seniors at school. Some chidren feel worried about teasing. They are upset. They are afraid of the bullies. Thus,they become victims of fear psychosis. This kills all their learning. There is no problem of this kind at home.

More recently the fears of traffic accidents on way to schools and back home have gripped the minds of the students and parents as well. Cases of kidnapping of children have also taken place. If children are educated at home, there would be no such fears. Parents would not have to worry about the safety of their children.

Advocates of school education talk eloquently of the quality education through the use of computers. I want to remind my opponentsthat the use of computers can be made as effectively at home at schools. Technology has improved a lot. Parents cam be trained in the use of computers to help their children learn.

My last argument for education at home is that if there were no schools, the government would save a lot of money. It would not need to build schools, pay teachers and incur other expenses on electricity bills, book etc. The money thus saved could be used for developmental purposes and other welfare activities like feeding the homeless, improving hospitals and medical research etc.

Thank You

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Language - English

Students / Parents Reviews [10]